Kfar Ha'Oranim, Israel - Current Weather Conditions 
[Updates automatically every 10 minutes] 
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Conditions at
14:56 on 27/5/14



Dew Point 13.9°C
Humidity 38%
Raw Barometer 974.0hPa
Rate -0.0hPa/hr
Wind Direction N
Heat Index 29.3°C
Yesterday's Rainfall
Today's Rain 0.0mm
Storm Rain 0.0 mm
Seasonal Rain 323.5mm
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 40.7°C at 14:37
Low Temperature 16.2°C at 4:20
High Heat Index 41.6°C at 14:37
Low Wind Chill 15.1°C at 6:01
Wind gust maximum 21km/hr at 13:54
High Hourly Rain 0.0mm/hr at 0:00